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Our Curriculum & Age Groups

Our teacher led team are trained in how to skilfully engage children in learning, adding exciting experiences to spark children's interests. We ensure our experiences are challenging, fun and enriching,  supporting children to prepare for the real world. Our children are divided in to age groups, but our small setting allows us to allow younger and older children to mix for some parts of the day, a valuable experience for both younger and older children.



Our cubs group are our younger age group - with children from 2 years old. We understand that being 2 is an exciting, and sometimes challenging time in a child's life. Our Cubs group is a small group of around 8 children and nurtured by two consistent key people who are very experienced in teaching and caring for this age. Children learn communication skills, critical thinking skills and self-regulation skills. The 2 year olds also love to explore our Little Woodland Area regularly.


Our preschool children are led by a Qualified Teacher and have a carefully planned curriculum with exciting and fun experiences at the heart of everything that they do. The children explore the Little Woodland daily, learning physical, investigation, negotiation and communication skills in nature. The children regularly get out and about in the local area and termly we have a planned excursion a little further afield.


Parent of a 4 year old

"The learning is so stimulating and fun for the children, my child left for school ready  for everything and loves to learn!"

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